With the Movement Control System, your company will be able to control and monitor the entire material flow in a more intelligent and efficient way, from inbound to outbound. You’ll have total visibility of operations, reduce errors, and improve your business’s productivity. With WYMS, your company will have a single software that will control and communicate with different equipment from numerous global manufacturers. All of this with the ease of having a single support contract, a single training, and the same user interface.
The WCS controls the picking of each PBL station, sends the command to turn on the lights and display the quantity that the picker needs to collect in each position, receives confirmation of correct operation, performs the inventory reduction in that compartment and sends the command to turn off the lights and display, completing and releasing the picker to pick another order.
We receive the reading of the box/volume from the sorter through integration and redirect it to the dispatch ramp according to the rule defined and parameterized in the WCS (ramp by region, by carrier, informed by the ERP, etc.), with full traceability and reports on all processes and boxes.
The WCS controls the entire flow of material transport orders with our MFS (Material Flow System) sub-module, checking if the path is clear, if the destination table is not occupied, and performing all necessary validations before sending the order to the machine to execute the transport. The WYMS selects the orders to send to the AGV/LGV according to the priority indicated by the user or ERP.
Very similar to Picking by Light, but in this case the picker receives confirmations and instructions via headphone, through voice command. i9 Supply is also approved with the biggest PBV suppliers in the market, including VOCOLECT, TOP VOX, SPEAK EASY, and OPTIMAL DISCOVERY.
– WCS can send a request to the RS to count (take inventory of) the pallet channel, and the RS returns the quantity of pallets in the channel.
– WCS is responsible for sending the order to retrieve or store items to the RS.
– We control all types and brands of Radio Shuttles.